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140 results found 'FDI'

  • Emergency Meeting on Macroeconomic and Financial Affairs (Dec.30, 2024)

    Financial Market Division Press Release
    December 30, 2024

    necessary to ensure market stability and improve short-term funding conditions going forward.   Furthermore, efforts to improve FX supply and demand will soon be announced and implemented as part of the 2025 Economic Policy Directions, including expanding infrastructure for foreign investors in Korean government bonds, enhancing FX market infrastructure and accessibility to align with global standards, and promoting foreign direct investment (FDI). [1]Chairman of the Financial Services Commission, Chairman of the Financial Supervisory Service, and First Vice Minister of the Ministry of Economy and Finance Please refer to the attached files.

  • Korea’s OFDI Posts $14.19 Billion in Q3 2024

    International Economic Cooperation Division Press Release
    December 24, 2024

    (FDI) amounted to $14.19 billion, which have contracted presumably due to a combination of factors, including global economic uncertainties, persistent high interest rates, and geopolitical risks. Regionally, investment in the mining sector increased compared to the same period last year, particularly in North America, driven by rising demand for resources. In addition, investment in European regions, including Poland, has shown an upward trend compared to the previous year.   Going forward, the government will be committed to strengthening communication and cooperation with major investment destination countries to ensure that Korean...

  • Korea’s Outbound FDI Posts $14.62 Billion in Q3 2023

    International Economic Policy Division Press Release
    December 18, 2023

    -20.4   By industry, Korea’s outbound FDI decreased in most of the sectors such as finance and insurance ($6.66 billion, down 21.3% y-o-y), real estate and renting ($0.92 billion, down 36.9% y-o-y), professional science and technology ($0.43 billion, down 42.5% y-o-y), and mining ($0.4 billion, down 14.9%) while its investment increased in manufacturing ($4.86 billion, up 11.8% y-o-y).   By region, Korea’s outbound FDI declined in the entire regions including North America ($7.64 billion, down 0.8% y-o-y), Europe ($2.81 billion, down 20.9% y-o-y), Asia ($2.11 billion, down 43.8% y-o-y) and Latin America ($1.79 billion, down 37.9% y-o-y). By...

  • Korea’s Outbound FDI Posts $15.31 Billion in Q2 2023

    International Economic Policy Division Press Release
    September19, 2023

      By industry, Korea’s outbound FDI decreased in most of the sectors such as finance and insurance ($5.79 billion, down 20.7% y-o-y), manufacturing ($4.0 billion, down 33.0% y-o-y), real estate and renting ($1.25 billion, down 20.1% y-o-y), and information and communications ($0.89 billion, down 15.0% y-o-y) while its investment increased in the mining ($1.04 billion, up 122.9% y-o-y).   By region, Korea’s outbound FDI declined in the entire regions except Africa ($0.1 billion, up 109.1% y-o-y), including North America ($7.43 billion, down 9.1% y-o-y), Asia ($3.42 billion, down 14.5% y-o-y) and Europe ($2.06 billion, down 39.1% y-o-y). By...

  • Korean Foreign Direct Investment, Q1 2023

    International Economic Policy Division Press Release
    June 22, 2023

          (US $billion, %, y-o-y) Korean FDI 2021 2022 2023 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Amount invested (A) 11.39 17.04 17.56 30.94 28.24 19.84 17.74 14.87 16.49 Change (%) -22.9 24.3 62.1 64.9 148.0 16.4 1.0 -52.0 -41.6   By industry, Korean FDI decreased in the major sectors such as finance and insurance (US $6.43 billion, down 20.1% y-o-y), manufacturing (US $5.47 billion, down 52.4% y-o-y), and real estate and renting (US $0.81 billion, down 71.1% y-o-y), while the amount increased in the mining (US $1.13 billion, up 15.1% y-o-y), and lodging and restaurant (US $0.79 billion, up 1,272.1% y-o-y) as domestic companies gave loans to their foreign...

  • Korea's FDI, 2022 Full Year

    International Economic Policy Division Press Release
    April 03, 2023

    (US $billion, %, y-o-y) Korea's FDI 2021 2022 Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual Amount invested (A) 76.84 26.18 19.46 17.56 13.96 77.17 Change (%) 34.0 129.9 14.2 0.4 -54.8 0.4 Amount withdrawn (B) 17.88 4.10 4.27 3.93 3.70 16.0 Net amount invested (A-B) 58.96 22.08 15.19 13.63 10.27 61.17 Change (%) 38.9 213.0 21.3 5.5 -61.2 3.8 By industry, Korea’s FDI focused on finance and insurance (US $29.70 billion, up 0.6% y-o-y), manufacturing (US $23.59 billion, up 28.9% y-o-y), real estate and renting (US $7.07 billion, up 0.6% y-o-y), information and communications technology (ICT) (US $3.67 billion, down 47.1% y-o-y), and electricity, gas, steam and air...

  • The 1st High-Level Dialogue on Investment Between Korea and Indonesia

    International Economic Cooperation Division Press Release
    March 31, 2023

    (FDI) as well as major Korean companies’ overseas business mainly due to the country’s investment-friendly policies and stable market environment. DPM CHOO suggested the role of the high-level dialogue by introducing channels for 3Cs (communication, confidence and cooperation). - As for communication, he stressed that the dialogue should serve as a hotline to promote direct communication of both governments to address Korean companies’ difficulties as well as a fast track to ease the investment bottleneck. - Regarding confidence, DPM CHOO emphasized the importance of devising reliable policies to support investment and produce tangible...

  • Korean Foreign Direct Investment, Q3 2022

    International Economic Policy Division Press Release
    December 28, 2022

    were US $13.05 billion, up 1.0 percent from the same period of the previous year.   In the third quarter of 2022, Korean FDI declined by 14.8% from the second quarter, showing a continued decline driven by uncertain investment conditions such as interest rate hikes.   Korean FDI, Q3 2022   (US $billion, %, y-o-y) Korean FDI 2020 2021 2022 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Amount invested (A) 14.74 13.11 10.79 18.68 11.37 17.05 17.48 30.87 26.08 19.50 16.61 Change (%) -3.5 -23.5 -29.2 5.1 -22.8 30.0 62.0 65.2 129.3 14.4 -5.0 Amount flowed back (B) 3.15 4.87 2.54 4.35 4.33 4.52 4.57 4.45 4.10 3.86 3.56 Net amount invested (A-B) 11.59 8.24 8.25...

  • Korean Foreign Direct Investment, Q2 2022

    International Economic Policy Division Press Release
    September16, 2022

    %, y-o-y) Korean FDI 2020 2021 2022 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Amount invested (A) 14.73 13.10 10.79 18.68 11.35 17.03 17.46 30.79 25.92 19.26 Change (%) -3.8 -23.6 -29.2 6.4 -22.9 30.0 61.8 64.8 128.3 13.1 Amount flowed back (B) 3.15 4.86 2.54 4.34 4.24 4.49 4.55 4.48 4.03 3.68 Net amount invested (A-B) 11.59 8.25 8.26 14.34 7.11 12.54 12.91 26.32 21.89 15.58 Change (%) -15.2 -43.0 -31.2 24.6 -38.6 52.1 56.4 83.5 207.7 24.2 By industry, Korean FDI focused on finance and insurance (US $7.33 billion), manufacturing (US $6.13 billion), real estate and renting (US $1.32 billion), wholesale and retail (US $1.17 billion), and information and...

  • Korean Foreign Direct Investment, Q1 2022

    International Economic Policy Division Press Release
    June 20, 2022

      (US $billion, %, y-o-y) Korean FDI 2020 2021 2022 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Amount invested (A) 14.74 13.09 10.79 18.68 11.34 16.99 17.35 30.76 25.40 Change (%) -2.9 -23.6 -29.2 6.5 -23.0 29.8 60.8 64.7 123.9 Amount flowed back (B) 3.15 4.86 2.53 4.33 4.23 4.47 4.52 4.38 3.90 Net amount invested (A-B) 11.59 8.23 8.26 14.34 7.11 12.53 12.83 26.37 21.50 Change (%) -14.3 -42.9 -31.1 24.8 -38.7 52.1 55.4 83.9 202.4   By industry, Korean FDI focused on manufacturing (US $9.55 billion), finance and insurance (US $7.76 billion), real estate and renting (US $2.48 billion), information and communications (US $1.71 billion), and electricity and gas...

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