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[The 2nd anniversary of the Yoon administration] The Korean economy overview in 2024 ㅇ Stable management of key macroeconomic indicators - Recorded the highest real GDP growth in 9 quarters (3.4% compared to the same period last year) - Boosted vitality in the Korean stock market by strengthening support measures to increase corporate value (Launch of the ‘Corporate Value-up Program’) *Korea ranked 2nd best for 2023 among 35 OECD countries in economic performance (The Economist, Dec. 2023) o Highest ever employment rate and lowest ever unemployment rate - The employment rate reached an all-time high of 62.6% in 2023 - The unemployment rate reached a record low of 2.7% in 2023 o Reaffirmation of the highest ever sovereign credit ratings from three major credit appraisers in 2024. o Establishment of fiscal consolidation - Restrained total government spending growth - Stably managed national debt The government will make all-out efforts to: - achieve gross national income per capita of US$40,000 by overcoming challenges and taking giant strides forward in economy. - maintain the highest ever sovereign credit ratings. - alleviate the burden on future generations through sustainable fiscal management.

Ministry of Economy and Finance
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