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Three. Materialize a dynamic economy 3-1. Shore up the innovation ecosystem - Introduce deregulation measures for private sector innovation - Accelerate the fostering of key advanced industries - Promptly create the advanced industry clusters, invest over 150 trillion won for next three years to foster the High5+ - Carry out a comprehensive R&D innovation for a leap toward becoming a global hub in science and technology - Build a growth ladder for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and enhance the venture and start-up ecosystem - Intensively nurture promising service industries. - Secure demand base and professional manpower, foster promising service sectors including content, biotech and healthcare, tourism, and the food industry 3-2. Ensure fair opportunities - Build up market dynamism by relaxing restrictive regulations that limit competition including entry barriers. - Prevent the abuse of a monopolistic or dominant market position and fight unfair or illegal practices - Design a fair compensation system based on job roles and performance - Expand cooperation between large enterprises and SMEs for mutual growth 3-3. Promote social mobility - Shore up policy support to promote the participation of youth and women in economic activities. - Raise the target for new public sector hires - Devise the 'measures to support work-family balance’ - Ensure quality educational opportunities for low-income populations - Eliminate blind spots in employment and social safety nets, as well as strengthen assistance for rehabilitation. Four. Accompany the young towards a sustainable future 4-1. Secure fiscal sustainability - Maintain a policy stance of fiscal soundness by continuously pursuing the legislation of fiscal rules, in an effort to ease burdens on future generations. - Set up sustainable national pension and health insurance systems. - Prepare a specific pension reform plan based on a national consensus - Develop the second comprehensive national health insurance plan (2024-2028) 4-2. Adapt to demographic crisis and climate change - Conduct a full-fledged reform of foreigner policies to meet global standards. - Expand the inflow of foreign labor - Extend the job-seeker visa period after graduation - Develop measures to ensure stable living conditions for foreign workers - Create a social atmosphere that is supportive of marriage, childbirth, and childcare - Devise measures to facilitate the supply of Silver Towns and improve the retirement pension system. - Achieve carbon neutrality by widely adopting carbon-free energy and accelerating low-carbon transitions in transportation, buildings and industries. - Upgrade the infrastructure to back climate adaptation support by scaling up green financing and establishing a roadmap for the advancement of the emission trading market in 2024. 4-3. Build up opportunities for future generations - Assist young people in developing their work competencies and raise incentives for youth employment - Establish a life-cycle growth support scheme - Launch start-up work experience programs - Encourage building assets in youth by further providing dedicated financial products for young people - Support vulnerable youth in urgent need for their independence and assist them to build a stable future

Ministry of Economy and Finance
RSS Service


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