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One: Support the recovery of people’s livelihoods
1-1. Achieve price and people’s livelihoods stability
- Make a concerted and continuing effort across ministries to achieve early stabilization of a 2% inflation rate.
- Reduce burdens of essential expenses closely linked to people’s daily lives including education, healthcare, finance, and payment of taxes.
- Stabilize the rental housing market by responding to the risks and enhance housing support for people and the vulnerable.
1-2. Support small businesses and vulnerable social groups
- Reduce the three major burdens on small businesses, along with the support for their sales recovery and enhancing competitiveness.
- Strengthen tailored support for vulnerable social groups such as the elderly, disabled, and low-income people and shore up support to provide more job opportunities for older adults.
1-3. Accelerate export rebound and domestic consumption
-Increase financial and tax incentives to stimulate domestic consumption, focusing on boosting eco-friendly consumption such as replacing old vehicles and adopting high-efficiency devices.
-Promote inbound tourism by improving visa systems and enhancing foreign travelers’ convenience, particularly in transportation, payment systems and duty-free shopping.
-Enhance support for attracting the largest-scale foreign investment ever ($35 billion) and boost companies’ reshoring by raising the upper limit of subsidies.
-Assist in reaching a $700 billion export target and a $57 billion overseas construction contracts target for 2024.
-Underpin early investment rebound through special support in taxation, financing, and addressing obstacles.
1-4. Revitalize local economies and the construction industry
- Create four major special purpose zones for job, education, urban innovation, and culture as well as designate three more global innovation zones
- Push forward the ‘three key projects for reviving shrinking cities’
- Expand incentives for homeownership and property transactions
- Build tourism infrastructure to attract visitors.
- Promote the influx of foreigners and developing strategies
- Step up all-encompassing support measures to facilitate regional-centric construction investment.
Two. Manage potential risks
2-1. Pursue a soft landing of real estate PF
- Promote a soft landing of real estate project financing (PF) by proactively injecting liquidity into the market including a prompt execution of a liquidity supply program worth 85 trillion won.
- Address obstacles PF businesses face and drive the restructuring of underperforming PF projects.
- Conduct fundamental institutional reforms to prevent the recurrence of real estate PF liquidity crisis.
- Promptly develop follow-up measures for legislation tasks for stabilizing the real estate market in the first half of 2024.
2-2. manage household debts
- Keep the annual growth rate of household debt within the nominal growth rate and strive to keep it within 100% of GDP by 2027.
- Raise the proportion of fixed-rate loans for mortgage loans to around 50% by 2027.
2-3. Secure supply chains stability
- Establish pan-governmental response systems based on the Framework Act on Supply Chain as well as launch and utilize the supply chains stabilization fund.
- Raise financial, tax and fiscal incentives to diversify supply chains.
- Expand a stockpile of key raw materials while diversifying stockpiling methods aiming to secure resource security.
2-4. Maintain financial stability and fiscal consolidation
- Strive to stabilize financial and foreign exchange (FX) markets.
- Adjust the issuance volume and timing of blue-chip bonds
- Implement the Improvement Measures for FX Market Structure
- Provide tailored support for marginal companies.
- Supervise financial institutions such as commercial banks, mutual finance and savings banks to maintain their soundness.