3-year Plan for Economic Innovation Directed Towards Reform, Growth and Balance.The government unveiled tasks to usher in an ear of the "People's Happiness", focusing on reforming the public sector, promoting a creative economy and boosting domestic demand.

Background & Framework

Background and Directions


Global economy Domestic economic problems Strategies to address problems
- Global economy in “Great Transition”

- Fast changing trade environment
Inefficiency in the public sector and unfair practices in the private sector Fair and efficient economy
The economy losing growth momentum Growth through innovation
Imbalances between sectors, leading to structural vulnerability Balance between exports and domestic consumption


Framework of the Three-Year Plan for Economic Innovation (3 strategies and 9 focuses)

Goal Achieve the era of “People’s Happiness and prepare for unification”
Three strategies Fair and efficient economy Growth through innovation Balance between exports and domestic consumption
Nine focuses 1) Reform the public sector
on the basis of efficiency 2) Reform the private sector
on the basis of fair practices 3) Strengthen social safety nets
4) Promote a creative economy
5) Invest in the future
6) Develop overseas markets
7) Boost investment
8) Stimulate domestic
consumption 9) Increase female and youth

Strategies & Tasks

Expected Outcomes in 2017